Riff is really tired, but that doesn't prevent him from keeping an eye on the football game....
Some of the Things I Liked About Today:
- I got to sleep in.
- Riff ran well in Open Jumpers at the AKC trial. No Q (my bad on the weaves), but it felt great. And he cleared the triple easily. Happy!
- Riff learned something about start-line stays in Open Standard. (Yeah, well....)
- Channan took a boatload of photographs while Riff and Rampage played in the big field. (Stay tuned!)
- RAMPAGE Q'd....beautifully. Icon and Polly did, too. :-)
- Will texted me, to say he's absolutely DONE with the wheelchair. (Celebration!)
- An uber-large hook and ladder fire truck drove up to the agility ring. A fireman jumped out of the passenger side, ran over to a woman who'd been showing a German Shepherd all weekend, gave her a lovely BIG hug, patted the dog, then jumped back into the truck. And off it went.
- WIT had an amazing Excellent Jumpers run. The kind that burns into your retina. This young team is National/World Championship material, folks....
- RR laughed at my jokes.
- RUBY the ROOSTER kicked butt.
- TLeC pointed out that many of the handlers in International-caliber teams clap at their dogs during their runs. :-) We have a new training maneuver. Clap! Clap!
- QUINN did very well in Excellent Standard. Go, Quinn!
- LEDA earned her NAJ.
- SCOOP looked great.
- TROY rocked!!!
- A lot of people smiled, all day long, even though there was no food vendor at this trial.
- The itty-bitty fluffy dogs that nested in front of us all weekend got to move out of their itty-bitty crates into a nice little dog-tent. The wee sphinxes turned into whirling little goofballs, happily playing with each other in the tent. Yes! (Added bonus - I never did accidentally step on them.)
- I had Smart Water, Excedrin, and a blueberry Cliff bar with me today. All good.
- It was almost 80 degrees. (On the other hand....it's just eerie to be that warm on February 6th....)
- Debbie looked happy. I like that she always looks happy. :-)
- Last night's left-over spaghetti was marvelous tonight.
- The PACKERS won the Super Bowl!! (Yay, Wisconsin! Yay, Cheese-heads!)
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