Riff, the Whirling Dervish. Riff and the Zoomies. Riff, the Young and the Restless.
Our little "Monday break" from agility is quickly turning into a full week away from agility.
Pain! Agony!
Actually, Riff seems pretty happy (although restless). I am, too. We're having some fun. We've gone on "rain walks" around Spring Lake. (Marvelous way to have the lake to yourself.) We've gone for a run at the fairgrounds. (If you wear your mudders, and know where the high flat spots are, you can still have a rousing game of "fetch" out there.)
But mostly we're wandering from room to room.
I'm not entirely sure if he's following me, or I'm following him.
We look out each window, hoping against hope that the patter against the pane in the living room will magically turn into sunshine in the bedroom. Once or twice, it seemed to work! A glimmer of sun! Then, as we walked down the hall, the clouds gathered and the rooms once again turned dark.
We saw our neighbor Dawn, walking her little Shih Tzu. Dawn wore a cheap plastic pancho. Her dog wore a high-class yellow slicker, worthy of any deep-sea fishing boat. (I promise to get a better photo next time.) That yellow slicker, floating over the street, is quite a sight to behold.
My dogs don't have any clothes. I like to think they're comfortable in their fur coats. They seemed fine at the lake. They seem comfortable when we play in the backyard. (Must admit I go through plenty of towels, drying them off....)
Riff even looks warmed-from-within, at times - like right after he's stolen Keeper's ring from her.
He runs, and runs, and runs. And he's happy.
I've discovered that rainy weather is a great time to pull out the clicker and train your pup to "shake" on command. Not with his paw, though. We're going for the "full body shake"....
Jeff and I went to a play last night - CYRANO, at The Rep Theatre. It was absolutely lovely. We're going to another play tonight. It's a "culture" week! Tomorrow morning some friends will arrive from out of town, and spend the weekend with us.
Oh, heck - look at the time! I've got to get back to cleaning the house.....
My dog has that same raincoat Hee hee! Only in a bigger size :)
i love those raincoats...
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