Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Riff at the SMART USDAA Trial

{A little break from my blogging break....}

Last weekend Riff and I went our first USDAA trial in many months. We were lucky enough to travel with LP and her beautiful dogs Wit and Clever. Riff competed in the Starters ring, and earned two Q's, both in Jumpers - a first and a second. (The 26" classes were very small, but featured some fast dogs.  Sorry, no videos...) Those runs completed his Starters Jumpers title, so we'll be moving up to Advanced Jumpers and Advanced Gamblers, next time out. Inching forward...by little and by golly!  He needs another Starters Standard Q to move up in all categories. 

Wit won nearly all of her P3 classes, plus PSJ finals (beautiful runs!), and Clever was a little puppy doll. A little ENERGETIC puppy doll! We had a good time.

Riff and I have many things to work on - but isn't that the lifeblood of agility?  

Honestly, I went into the weekend thinking it may be our last USDAA trial.  Struggling to run with a back-ache is simply not a lot of fun.  But (this probably won't surprise you) we had enough fun in Prunedale for me to think about going to another trial....! 

We especially enjoyed the cheers from the peanut gallery, and visiting a lot of friends we haven't seen in a long while.  :-)

We'll be concentrating on our fixing startline stay (he was SO pushy...) and on working a full-height A-frame, to help him get over the tendency to launch off the downside. (We have never asked the folks in our weekly class to help raise the A-frame for our turn, but it's obviously needed. Those two or three inches make a difference!)

We'll also keep polishing Riff's weave-pole entries. He's a lovely jumper, though - nothing needs fixing there. He makes 26" triples look like a walk in the park. Sometimes I get so caught up watching him sail over jumps that I forget to run.  (!)  He looks like he's having fun. I really have to hustle to get into position on the courses, though. No time to admire Riff's jumping style. 

Run, Celeste, Run!!!

I'll need to tack a few more laps onto our fast-walking exercise sessions in the backyard.  Must try to make 'sprinting' an actual possibility....

Keeper wanted to go.  (Sigh...)
She had fun with Pops, though.
They went on long walks.
They even went to a Japanese Arts Festival!
Riff and I enjoyed all the trails around the trial site.
We had extra off-leash fun by taking walks at 5:30am.
I'm lucky he didn't chase the bunnies.
Riff also loved playing retrieve games in the big exercise field.

Our view from the RV.
Of course all the emply space filled in with canopies and cars...

THANKS! to wonderful friends, we enjoyed a couple of
marvelous meals. ♥♥♥
Hanging out by the Masters rings.
(I spent most of my time at the Starters ring, though, either working
or playing with Riff at the practice jump.  Riff mostly hung out at the RV.)

Lots of gophers at this trial site.  K's dog Ruby enjoyed trying to catch one.

LP's new pup Clever liked giving people hugs and kisses!

1 comment:

Elf said...

Nice to get an update during your blogging break. Nothing like deciding that you're NOT going to do something to make you want to DO it. :-) Saw you briefly in the distance a couple of times last weekend. Glad that you and Riff had a good time. Bummer that it makes you want to do more agility-- ;-) See you again soon, maybe!

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