Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day

Lots of folks to remember today.  The WWII soldiers from my Dad's generation.  Friends from my youth, who lost their lives in Vietnam.  Our generation's children, who are in the Middle East. 

And all the people who made it back from war, forever changed.  (Folks like my brother-in-law, pictured here during a 1992 trip to D.C.)  

Yesterday Jeff and I went to two cemeteries, to check on the burial plots of our parents.  (My dad's resting place is too far away to visit...but his energy is threaded throughout my life, so that's okay.)  

It's been a few years since we've done this sort of thing. 

At my mom's cemetery, they'd added a whole new building in front of her building.  There was a new winding path, lovely landscaping, and plenty of artwork.   We cleaned the spiders out of her bronze vase, and put a couple of flowers in it. 

At the the cemetery where Jeff's stepdad and his mom are buried, we found Vivian's flower vase filled with dirt and overgrown with grass.  I figured we might be doing a bit of sprucing up, so brought gloves and tools, and was able to reclaim it. 

There are lots of veterans at this cemetery....the whole field behind this one was filled with flags for the weekend ceremonies.  Jeff was glad to see that Frank's grave had a flag, too.  Frank served as a Captain in WWII. 

WE SALUTE YOU!!!!          

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