Although I'm not too sure I'd actually enjoy an entire DAY, because there's something....gloomy....about relentless good cheer. Don't you think? (Like being stuck in the surround-sound of happy music at Disneyland. Made me positively gloomy. But don't worry - the gloomies only lasted a few minutes at a time. Roller coasters fixed it.)
Relentless gloom is even more of a drag than relentless cheer can be. I always try to look for glimmers of light.
This week has been hard on all of us. We can't stop thinking about and praying for the Japanese. A photo, from Sendai, hit home for a lot of agility folk:
So one of them started a Fund ( to help all the people in the Japanese agility community. NGyes reported that the club shown in the photo is Agility Team Free Ride (, that none of the members were at the field, and that they are all okay. TKula reported that the owner of the house is okay. The Fund will help provide the agility community and their loved ones with food, clothing and shelter. They've already raised over $5,000. The compassionate generosity of the agility people I know fills me with hope....
The dogs and I are restless, because the weather here continues to drizzle and rain. RAINRAInRAinRainrainaininnnnnnnn.....
So we play "house" games, to combat the gloom. 'Hide the toy' is a favorite. Riff likes 'the zoomies.' (Everyone clears the hallway for that one.) I like to try to teach Riff tricks.
Whenever the rain settles in for days and days, I start wishing we lived in a two-story house, so the dogs and I could run up and down the stairs. Exercise is one of the best gloombusters ever invented! (But my knees get really cranky in cold, wet weather. They're glad we don't have stairs. They're fine dealing with the gradual steps in the the rain....)
Plain old work can be a decent gloombuster, too....especially if you don't have a gloomy job.
Work can be absorbing. And satisfying.
If you have a gloomy job, you might try singing an uplifting song from a popular musical, as loudly as you can. Sure! Right now! Guaranteed to entertain your cubicle-mates, and lighten the mood....
Whenever we've reached the point where the dogs are bouncing off the walls and I'm sniping at my husband, we go out for a rain walk. Usually at Spring Lake, because the path is paved and sometimes we can talk Jeff into going with us.
Once in a while it even stops raining long enough for us to get around the lake and back to the car without getting wet. Woohoo!
When push comes to shove, a garden is a good gloombuster. You can always find something growing - or even blooming - in any kind of weather. Check out the local nursery, if you don't have a garden. Many plants are strong and brave.....

...and they don't mind sharing.
1 comment:
I love gardens for that reason, among others. Especially here in california, eh? All year round, *something* is looking perky and colorful!
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